
Showing posts from July, 2020


If you are reading this I am guessing that you are either working towards, earned or know someone who is working on or earned a college degree in Exercise Science. As someone who has both a bachelors and masters degree in exercise science, and working in a related profession for the past eight years, I have great news for you. There are more job opportunities out there than you think! I decided to pursue exercise science because I enjoyed learning about the human body and how to optimize health and wellness. My motivation was to take what I learned over the course of my education and apply it directly to me as an experiment to assess how I responded to different exercise protocols and health interventions in order to become an expert in the field. If you ask my parents what I do they might tell you, "Oh he's a personal trainer" or "I think he's a sports coach" or "He's a lifestyle coach" or some other uncertain explanation of what they thin...